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Commenting on the DMCA, an
exercise in frustration?
By Scott Bradner
It's been just over seven years since President Clinton signed the Digital Millennium Copyright
Act (DMCA) into law. As was clear
from the beginning the DMCA is a total capitulation to those who think that
copyright is more important than just about anything else. The experience over the last seven
years have actually shown that the law has done little to truly protect
copyright holders but it has put your corporate environment at increased risk
from those who would subvert it.
For the next month you have a chance to tell the US government how
broken the tradeoff inherent in the DMCA is and I urge you to do so even if I
expect it to be an exercise in frustration.
There are a lot of things in the
DMCA law (,
a few things might even be good but there is one very bad part -- the
prohibition of the possession of anti-circumvention technology. The law prohibits "any technology,
product, service, device, component, or part thereof, that . . . is primarily
designed or produced for the purpose of circumventing protection afforded by a
technological measure that effectively protects a right of a copyright
This provision of the law
basically says that you can not test to see if the security on a product or
service you purchase is any good without being at risk of being sued -- and
many suits have been threatened or filed over technologies ranging from printer
cartridges to garage door openers.
The American Library Association maintains a web site concerning the
Over the years I've written a number of columns about the
law and its impacts (See. for example, "Legally
mandated stupidity" (,
"Bad law or really bad law?"
( and "Reach
for the stupid juice"
( )
Part of the law requires the US
Copyright Office to review the impact of the anti-circumvention provisions
every 3 years. In the past two
reviews the office has carved out a few important exceptions but has left in
place the basic flaw in the provision.
That flaw is the presumption of guilt - mere possession of circumvention
tools can be a crime - there is no requirement to show that you had an intent
to violate someone's copyright protection. There is no reason to think that this round of comments will
cause the Copyright Office to fix that flaw since the Copyright Office does
not, in general, seem to have heard of consumers (See "Can anyone down
there spell consumer?"
( In spite of the office's obvious
bias there is a chance that it will add some additional exceptions to the short
list it has created to date.
So, if you have something serious
to suggest you can file your comments on the Copyright Office web page
( But note that polemics like this one
attacking the fundamental provisions of the DMCA or flames against the
recording industry are not worth the bits they use up since they will be seen
as non-responsive to the request for comments and thus will be ignored by the
Copyright Office.
disclaimer: Unresponsive polemics
seems to be a feature of politicians but I did not ask the anyone in the School
of Government about this one -
thus its just my own.