History is prelude
By Scott Bradner
Network World, 08/09/99
It has been an interesting few weeks for anyone who is a fan of
U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno was quoted as wanting to control
the distribution of encryption software via the Internet. The FBI
is blocking a license that would let a small Canadian satellite
telephone company sell phones to U.S. customers because the FBI
cannot wiretap (if that's a proper term in this context)
conversations over satellite.
The New York Times reported that the Clinton administration is
planning to install a vast computer communications monitoring
system ostensibly aimed at protecting government computers. The
same administration also defended the new International Public
Information System as targeting only foreign audiences in its aim
to influence people to support U.S. foreign-policy objectives.
I guess "interesting" understates all this recent news
quite a bit. The administration claims it is concerned with the
privacy and rights of individuals. But its actions continue to be
indistinguishable from the actions a repressive government would
take to violate those rights. Maybe when the Clinton
administration says it is concerned, the administration means it
worries that citizens have too many rights.
I was getting increasingly depressed by reading the headlines, so
I decided to reread a neat little book on the history of the
telegraph that was published last year. The Victorian Internet by
Tom Standage starts by telling of an experiment performed in 1746
involving 200 monks, each connected to the next with a
25-foot-long piece of wire.
Jean-Antoine Nollet, a French scientist, then gave the chain of
monks a high-voltage shock and listened to the reaction of the
monks to see how fast electricity flowed. The book ends in 1885
with the observation that "a great future is in store for
the telephone."
Unfortunately, I was unable to get as far from today's headlines
as I would have liked. A lot of the issues we are now faced with
regarding the Internet first showed up with the introduction of
the telegraph. Encryption was an issue with the early telegraph
and was banned by many governments. The telegraph turned out to
be so successful that serious congestion problems developed, some
of which were relieved by the introduction of alternative
transport technologies, such as pneumatic tubes. Large monopolies
developed, as did new government-managed standards organizations.
Criminals quickly learned how to commit long-distance fraud, and
corrupted messages caused significant monetary losses. Security
also became a major issue. Britain even built a private worldwide
telegraph network to connect parts of the empire.
I recommend the book mentioned above, but caution that even
though it is an enjoyable read, there is too much prologue in
this history for the book to be a pure escape.
Disclaimer: With six Harvard alumni becoming U.S. presidents, Al
Gore can only hope that history is prelude. But the above review
is mine.