The absence of network security
By Scott Bradner
Network World, 08/02/99
"There is no such thing as a secure computer network."
The New York Times said that a week ago and if The Times said
something, it must be true. But do protocol and applications
developers understand the implications of this?
Almost by definition, computer networks cannot be, in themselves,
secure. The aim of computer networks is to facilitate access to
computer-based resources. In order to do so, they transport
information from one place to another, generally with a user or
two somewhere along the line.
Users are a problem in the security world. They forget things
like passwords. They get frustrated at the imposition of complex
security procedures and circumvent these procedures to make their
lives easier. They loan their accounts to friends. And many users
think they are underpaid, overworked or underappreciated - as a
result, these users are potentially corruptible.
It sure would be a lot easier, securitywise, without users.
Anything you do to make users' lives easier has security
implications. For example, if you allow a remote user to access
corporate servers, you have to open a door that other remote
people may be able to exploit. If you run an e-mail system that
can transfer programs or macro-filled documents, you are opening
a barn door.
But it turns out that a major problem is the attitude of protocol
and applications designers.
In the IETF, we now insist that all working groups keep security
in mind as they design protocols. But even in the IETF, security
is often reluctantly added at the end rather than designed in
from the beginning. I say reluctantly because when I ask why a
working group has not yet considered security, I keep getting the
response "my customers are not asking for security." It
has sometimes been quite a fight to get working groups to
seriously worry about the issue.
If it's this hard to get secure protocols within an organization
that has made security a specific goal, it seems to be almost
impossible in commercial applications development organizations.
Features are added to programs seemingly without any thought of
the security implications.
This is not going to be easy to fix. Security is hard. Some of
the people who would exploit security holes are very smart (if
more than a bit immoral). They will find any small chink in the
armor - and unless the developer is a real security expert, it is
hard to see a chink when programming one in. The problem is made
harder because of the easy-to-run exploitation scripts that get
widely distributed.
Companies must get security expertise into their software
development groups and users must use the resulting security
tools. Otherwise, the Internet bubble may burst in a very ugly
Disclaimer: Harvard has seen many bubbles come and go, but the
above worry about this bubble is mine.