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Why can't we all get
By Scott Bradner
I'm writing this column
in a bright pink hotel near Walt Disney World on the Sunday between the 43rd
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) meeting and the International
Telecommunications Union (ITU-T) IP Telccom meeting. The ITU-T
scheduled their meeting in the same hotel that the IETF used and for the week
after the IETF so that people could attend both meetings.
One of the recurring
questions this week is that of cooperation between the growing number of
standards bodies dealing with aspects of the Internet protocol suite. Just
about all of the work of the IETF and World Wide Web Consortium (W3C),
are Internet related and have been for a number of years. Until recently the
Internet has been a sometimes important but peripheral concern for a number of
other groups. In particular the ITU-T has been working on some IP telephony
standards such as H.323 for the past few years and the International Standards
Organization (ISO) has been working on Internet routing.
With the explosion of
the assumption of the convergence of just about all of the communications in
the world, from cell phones to video on demand, onto IP the question of
cooperation between standards bodies has become an ever more important concern.
At one level cooperation
between standards bodies can be easy. As the W3C's Jim Getties put it in the
plenary when the question came up "them is us." Many of the IETF
attendees are regular participants in the work of other standards groups. This
was even more the case at this IETF meeting due to the ITU-T meeting the
following week. But many standards groups are nervous about that type of
cooperation since it is quite hard to tell if an opinion or proposal is coming
with some flavor of authority or review from another body or is just the
opinion of a single individual. In addition the IETF has structural issues with
receiving this type of official communication since we treat everything as if
it comes from individuals and give no additional weight to official statements.
The IETF has come a long
way in the last 5 years on the issue of cooperation. One of the biggest rounds
of applause during the plenary session was for Fred Baker, the IETF Chair, when
he mentioned how well cooperation was going between the IETF and ITU.
Cooperation can be a
good thing if both sides understand how to do it, which the ITU does, but is
not a panacea. Sometimes it works very well, for example, the ITU and IETF
cooperated on defining Internet FAX and were able to agree on a single standard
used by both organizations. But there are also times when the underlying architectural
assumptions of the two groups are different enough that there is no way to
agree on a single approach and the marketplace will have to be the final
I do not expect that
working out the balance between turf and cooperation will be an easy task but
it is an important one. One that will be an on-going issue, and one that will
occasionally become quite bitter.
disclaimer: Harvard,
like many universities, has been defined as a turf battle over parking spaces
being fought under a common name but the above battle has nothing to do with