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We are here to help
By Scott Bradner
Jim Isaak has an article
in the December, 1998 issue of Computer, the magazine of the IEEE
computer society about "The role of government in IT standards". I'm
somewhat puzzled by much of the article and quite worried about some of its
As an active member of
the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), I feel that much of what Jim
says in the article makes a great deal of sense. For example, his strongest
statement is that "governments cannot effectively represent their
constants by taking unilateral action in establishing standards." It would
be hard to argue the reverse. Except in areas unrelated to information
technology, such as water quality and highway sign design, governments have not
proven themselves to be knowledgeable enough or able to respond quickly enough
to play controlling roles in standards development. Their involvement tends to
inhibit rather than foster innovation. As Judge Dalzell asked me during my
testimony during the court hearings for the American Library Association
challenge to the Communications Decency Act: "And indeed, isn't the whole
point that the very exponential growth and utility of the Internet occurred
precisely because governments kept their hands out of this and didn't set
standards that everybody had to follow?"
Jim says, and I agree,
that the government should act as an "informed consumer" and vote
with its purchasing dollars to "manage procurement and internal policies
needed to reinforce critical standards."
But I think that Jim is
missing some of the lessons of history when he suggests that governments should
do conformance testing. This was tried with limited success during the time
when many governments around the world were backing the OSI protocol suite in
opposition to TCP/IP. The marketplace and, in some cases such as the recent Sun
vs. Microsoft court fight over Java, contractual law, seems to be able to
perform interoperability and conformance testing quite well. Note that it is
more important that the set of features of a standard that consumers want to
use are properly implemented than that all the features are. Conformance
testing tends to forget this fact and to want to ensure all features work.
But the area where I
think Jim is seriously mistaken is in his suggestion that: "Governments
should serve as neutral catalysts to encourage prioritization within the
standards process, which means participating in key forums at both a management
level to establish priorities and at a technical level to keep things on
Disregarding the
assertion that a "neutral catalyst" can "encourage
prioritization," the idea that organizations such as the IETF should have
government representatives, acting as government representatives, at its
"management level" is very troublesome indeed. Ignoring obvious
questions such as which governments should participate and how should the
representatives be selected, the idea that governments would be formally put in
positions of power in standards organizations just because they are governments
seems guaranteed to minimize the chance of effective, market driven, standards
Luckily, as a private
international organization, the IETF can not be forced to accept such
disclaimer: Harvard
frequently offers to help but does not foist it, but the above is my rejection
of assistance.