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Rough seas in safe
By Scott Bradner
Regular readers of this
column know my general level of distrust of the U.S. government's willingness
to protect individual privacy in the face of the desire for some U.S.
businesses to know everything about you and to sell that information to anyone
with enough cash.
I've commented on the
fundamental differences in approach between the European and American
approaches to privacy protection. The Europeans feel that the only way to
actually protect privacy is to make it a crime to violate regulations designed
to protect privacy. The U.S. government claims that such laws offer false
comfort and so there should not be any laws to compel protection. Instead we
should trust that the companies in the data business will voluntarily agree to
protect your private information with no penalty other than bad publicity if
they are lying.
We have now reached
another turning point in the privacy saga. On October 25th the European Union's
Directive on Data Protection became effective. This directive requires that the
member states of the European Union must pass specific legislation to protect
the privacy of information about individuals and to prohibit the transfer of
data that can identify an individual to third countries that do not provide an
"adequate" level of protection for the data. If the laws that are
being adopted to comply with the directive were to be strictly enforced no U.S.
based business or individual would be able to import data, including for
example, personnel files or credit card transaction logs, into the U.S. from
The U.S. government is
currently trying to deal with this issue. Since they are unwilling to pass laws
to actually protect personal information they are trying to get the Europeans
to agree to a "safe harbor" for U.S. companies who what to import
European data. The U.S. proposal is to publish a list of companies who agree to
abide to certain privacy protection principals. (See for the proposal.)
There are many things
wrong with this idea, not the least of which is the fact that no creditable
penalty is proposed for companies which agree to the principals then proceed to
ignore them. The principals are good ones but they are expressed in generalities
and it is very easy to see many ways that a company which wanted to could evade
their restrictions.
This proposal, which
treats non-US citizens far better than citizens reminds me of a internal Boston
Globe headline that got accidentally printed during the Carter administration.
This proposal is "more mush from the wimp." The U.S. government is
being a wimp in the whole area of privacy. They are using excuse after excuse
to avoid having to actually confront the far too many in the U.S. business
community to whom genetic information about you is just another commodity to
sell to all, not just the highest, bidders.
If there was serious
concern about the privacy of individuals a proposal of this type would have
included proposals for clear unambiguous laws which would make the unauthorized
disclosure of private data a felony. Without such laws, this is just mush.
disclaimer: A boathouse
on the Charles river is the Harvard's closest approximation to a harbor so the
above is my mush.