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How do you spell VPN?
By Scott Bradner
What do you mean when
you talk about "Virtual Private Networks" (VPNs)? Although its hardly
a new phenomena in this technical world, VPNs are a case where it seems that
for every 3 people talking about them there are 4 or more understandings about
what exactly they are talking about.
In talking to people
about VPNs and reading the trade press I've found the following VPN concepts.
A set of frame relay or
ATM connections between sites, isolated from other users of the same frame
relay or ATM infrastructure by the use of virtual circuits. This type of VPN
replaces other types of point-to-point leased lines.
IP-based tunnels between
sites run over an IP infrastructure constructed for the purpose and which is
separate from the Internet.
IP-based tunnels between
sites run over the public Internet infrastructure.
IP-based tunnels from a
dial-up Internet service provider's remote-access concentrators back to a
corporate firewall with the logic and control provided by the ISP.
IP-based tunnels between
a remote user computer to a corporate firewall with the logic and control split
between the user's computer and the firewall.
IP-based tunnels between
a client program running on a user's computer and a server at the same or
different sites..
IP-based tunnels between
an Internet-based provider of specific services, a pager company for example,
and a firewall or on-site server.
One additional level of
confusion is that an IP-based tunnel may or may not be encrypted and may carry
protocols other than IP, SNA for example.
There is a distinct
difference between the first of the above definitions and the rest. ATM or
frame relay-based VPN services are basically normal telephony services. They
are minor improvements over the long-established private line services. In
these types of VPNs the purchaser is responsible for providing all management
and other functions above the level-2 connectivity. The buyer can use the
connections for anything they want to from PBX interconnections and video
conferences to data networks.
IP is specifically
involved in all of the other definitions but aside from that common feature
they are very different. In some cases the VPN is a specific service of an ISP
and in others merely something that looks like a normal IP connection over a
IP-based tunneling also
provides an opportunity for additional confusion. IP-tunneling is done by
encapsulating a data packet within a normal IP packet for forwarding over an
IP-based network. The encapsulated packet does not need to be IP and
encapsulation can include encryption for additional security. IP-based
tunneling provides a virtual wire between two points through an IP network .
This divergence in the
basic understanding of what VPNs are means that talking about VPNs often produces
more confusion than information.
There has been a lot
written about VPNs in this and other technical publications but with the
confusion over the meaning of the term much of what is written seems guided by
vendor's marketing plans than by concise reporting. It would be nice if that
Disclaimer: Harvard does
not need marketing plans (any new ones anyway) and the above are my own