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Internet and the Citgo sign
By Scott Bradner
Network World,
The Wall Street
Journal reported on Oct. 14 that the Internet, or at
least a
"chunk" of it, to use the Journal's terminology, was given to
the Library of
It turns out that
Alexa Internet, a Web crawler company in Seattle,
gave the library an
archive of a half million Web pages that adds up
to about 2 terabytes
of data.
The archive is a
snapshot of the World Wide Web taken early last
year. The data is
housed in a computer rack-like structure with four
bright red computer
monitors stacked one on top of the other. The
monitors display
random pages from the archive every few seconds.
Why would the
library want such a toy, other than because it's fun to
One of the tasks
libraries undertake is that of archiving the times in
which they exist.
For example, they archive newspapers and
sometimes tapes of
TV and radio programs. This is so future
scholars can get a
better idea of the context in which events
happened. For a
historian, it can be helpful to know what the popular
press focused on
during the time leading up to a major event, such as
the start of a war,
and what topics dominated conversation after the
This type of
archiving proved easy when all the news was in print;
microfilms of old
newspapers did the trick. But things became more
complex with the advent
of film, radio and TV. It would be hard to
assemble a good
history of the Vietnam War without having access to
archival copies of
the evening news broadcasts.
Archiving the
current world is even more difficult. More and more of
what affects our lives
is now found on the Internet in newsgroups,
e-mail messages to
mailing lists and Web pages. For example, huge
numbers of people
have had access to the Starr report via the Web.
Some of them might
have even read it, rather than just skimmed it
looking for the
naughty bits. While the report itself was published on
paper, the backup
material was not. The only way this material
existed for most of
the world was as bits on the 'Net.
I will say that
archiving digital information can sometimes be difficult
to justify. It can
be quite hard to see that useful information for
analyzing current
society could come from some Internet mailing lists.
For example, a discussion about the evils of spam (the e-mail kind, not the
canned meat product kind), approaching a kind of perpetual motion, has taken
over the com- priv mailing list.
Then again, in Boston a few years ago it was decided, for the sake
of preserving '50s culture, that it was vital to preserve the big neon Citgo
sign towering over Kenmore Square.
So, although culture is definitely in the eye of the beholder, the
ephemeral Web will have to be part of the archive if future generations are to
know what affects our thinking today.
Compared to Harvard, much of the world has proven to be ephemeral, but the
above are my ephemeral observations.