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Embedding the Internet
By Scott Bradner
Network World,
One of the most
contentious issues during the development of IP Next
Generation, now
known as IPv6, had to do with what length of IP
address would be
required. Initial discussion focused largely on
establishing an
understanding of just how many devices would be on
the Internet of the
future. The most far-out prediction was that at some
point every light
switch would have an IP address and would be
controllable over the 'Net.
A few years ago, the
idea of the Internet invading the home and office
seemed far in the future, though worth considering.
But this scenario is
suddenly looking as though it could arrive a lot
sooner than
New initiatives
aimed at embedding the Internet into everything from
light switches and
lawn sprinklers to Coke machines and auto engine
analyzers have
started to pop up. For example, in just the past few
weeks, Oracle
affiliate Network Computer has formed an alliance
with Wind River Systems,
while separately, a 12-member consortium
called Embed the
Internet has emerged.
The common idea
behind these efforts is that ubiquitous connectivity
can make processes
more efficient and convenient. For example,
home appliances such
as refrigerators could be connected to the 'Net
to enable
manufacturers to check on the condition of the machines
during their
warrantee periods. A diagnostics check could tell service
personnel what parts
were beginning to fail so the parts could be
replaced before an appliance
stops working. Internet-enabled vending
machines could let a
distributor know when the machines were almost
out of Coke so that
delivery people could be dispatched only when
needed. A controller
for a lawn sprinkler could check with the
National Weather
Service to see if rain was forecast for the local area
before deciding to
water a lawn. This last example is one cited on the
Web page for emWare
(, a developer of
embedded Internet
But these days it
seems like every attractive advance in technology
comes complete with
potentially sinister implications. The same
technology that lets
service people know the motor in your washing
machine is about to
burn out could let a government energy efficiency
bureau know that you
are running the machine during the day rather
than during the
ecologically correct middle of the night. You could
turn on an
addressable air conditioner before you head home from the
office, while the
machine reports to Big Brother that you have set it
too low. Someone
could hack into the nanny-cam you have set up to
check on your kid's
baby sitter and watch you instead. The police
could wiretap your
house while trying to find the father of your
The problem is, when
you get down to it, control can work both
ways. This is not a
plea to stop progress, but rather a warning not to
overlook the dark
Disclaimer: Too
often Harvard's direction tends to be orthogonal to
progress, but the above is my own paranoia.